Associate for Discipleship & Families Email: [email protected] Phone: (843)785-4099 x 246 VIEW PROFILE You can request an appointment with Fr. Jacob HERE
Nina Rodman, Minister of Music & Organist email: [email protected] phone: 843-422-0490
Albert "Chiche" Van Bochove, Sexton Please leave a message at the office: (843) 785-4099 EXT. 221
2025 Vestry* *Date of service is through end of year indicated
What is a Vestry? The vestry is a council of advisors to the Rector. Vestry members serve three-year terms and are confirmed by the congregation at the parish's annual meeting each January.
Rector The Revd. Dr. Jady Koch
Rector’s Warden Ann Eden (2025)
People’s Warden Trey Bishop (2027)
Treasurer Stu Rodman (2026) Secretary Chris Miller (2027)
John Carroll (2025)
John George (2026)
Cathy McDevitt (2026)
Gary Stanko (2027)
John Evans (2027)
Kathe Balinski (2027)
Secretary to the Vestry (non-voting volunteer) Connie Nickens