The Esther Project
"...for such a time as this."
Many in our St. Luke’s Family have struggled with financial needs. Whether a family or single parents, youth or more mature members, any of these may be facing hard financial decisions: Where will funds come from for the electric bill? How will we have enough food? What can we do to make ends meet? Who can we turn to for help? The answer… The “ESTHER PROJECT”
A few years ago, the ESTHER PROJECT grew out of the need to help give “Christmas” to some of our St. Luke’s families. Since that time, the ministry has continued to assist families through referrals by our clergy and ministry staff. When the initial funds dwindled. Sensing the Lord’s call to press on with this ministry, Janis Schluchterer sought others to assist her and applied for funding help. The ESTHER PROJECT now has a board and a budget. The Church Mouse helped this vision become a reality with a generous grant. However, to ensure the future ministry of the ESTHER PROJECT we need your help.
Please consider an offering to the ESTHER PROJECT so that we may continue to help St. Luke’s parishioners who are in need. Checks should be written to St. Luke’s Church with "Esther Project" noted in the memo line and can be placed in the offering plate or left in the Ministry Center. If you know of a family in need or have any questions concerning this ministry, please contact Janis Schluchterer through the Church office. (Send an email to Jessica Maples, Email: [email protected].
God's Word tells us to "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the Law of Christ." (Galatians 6:2) What better way can we share our love of Christ than by helping those within our church family?
Many in our St. Luke’s Family have struggled with financial needs. Whether a family or single parents, youth or more mature members, any of these may be facing hard financial decisions: Where will funds come from for the electric bill? How will we have enough food? What can we do to make ends meet? Who can we turn to for help? The answer… The “ESTHER PROJECT”
A few years ago, the ESTHER PROJECT grew out of the need to help give “Christmas” to some of our St. Luke’s families. Since that time, the ministry has continued to assist families through referrals by our clergy and ministry staff. When the initial funds dwindled. Sensing the Lord’s call to press on with this ministry, Janis Schluchterer sought others to assist her and applied for funding help. The ESTHER PROJECT now has a board and a budget. The Church Mouse helped this vision become a reality with a generous grant. However, to ensure the future ministry of the ESTHER PROJECT we need your help.
Please consider an offering to the ESTHER PROJECT so that we may continue to help St. Luke’s parishioners who are in need. Checks should be written to St. Luke’s Church with "Esther Project" noted in the memo line and can be placed in the offering plate or left in the Ministry Center. If you know of a family in need or have any questions concerning this ministry, please contact Janis Schluchterer through the Church office. (Send an email to Jessica Maples, Email: [email protected].
God's Word tells us to "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the Law of Christ." (Galatians 6:2) What better way can we share our love of Christ than by helping those within our church family?